Paula Braham

The Anchor Trainer | Cavern Adult Support Worker
Paula started her career in the care sector as a volunteer at the age of 17. She lived with a lady who had cerebral palsy who previously lived with and was supported by her parents; when they passed away she was place into residential care. With the help of the council’s Independent Living Scheme she was supported by live in volunteers to move back into the home she was brought up in and in the community she was familiar with. Paula spent six months as a live in volunteer, during this time she visited the day centre this lady attended and met many of her friends and support networks that helped her and others to be as independent as possible. Paula was able to facilitate this lady to attend social activities, day trips and a holiday as well as encourage her to develop her daily living and decision making skills during this time. This led Paula later to do her Learning Disability Nurse Training in Kidderminster where she gained a wide range of experience over three years with a variety of different types of learning disabilities, with children and adults as well as experiencing care in both institutions and community settings. Once qualified she moved to Gloucester and got a job in Cheltenham working in an NHS home for adults with Learning Disabilities. She worked in this service for 11 years, during this time the nursing homes were being deregistered to residential homes as the shift from nursing care to social care was evolving. She then gained her registered managers award and moved into the private sector working in Grapevine Care (now Raynsford Care) working as a registered manager for approximately 14 years. Paula made the decision to join our Anchor Team as she wants to make a difference in a more hands on way. She observed the work that had been successful with some of the users of this service and decided she would like to be part of this team. Although she has many years experience in the care sector she feels there is never two days that are the same and there is always something new to learn! Paula is also a valued team member in Support at The Cavern, where she does one night a week supporting people dropping in.

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