Frequently Asked Questions

We are a place where people become the best versions of themselves. We are a Social Enterprise helping vulnerable people in Gloucester. We work with around 2000 people every week, through over 20 activities. We engage people in community and help them realise their full potential in life. We work with: adults with learning disabilities, people with mental health and complex needs, and young people.

Through the context of community, we help people with their Mental health, Physical health and Economic outcomes. Each of our activities is tailored to the person attending, because we recognise each person is unique. We engage socially isolated people in community, help them work on their wellbeing, and then give them opportunities to contribute and release their potential.

Our logo best shows our model. It is a star because we believe there is a star of potential in every person. They are concentric stars (like a concentric circle) because people can gradually move from the outside of community, to the inside- in a non-threatening way. There are 3 arrows because everyone’s journey to the centre of community, and their best version, is unique – so we have many pathways for people to do this.


Treasure Seekers is for everyone. We want everyone to be involved in our inclusive community.

However, we exist to help the ‘hardest to reach’ and most vulnerable people in Gloucester. All the money we raise and the activities we do are ultimately to help these people.

This includes adults with learning disabilities, people with mental health and complex needs, and young people.

‘Kingfisher’ comes from our historic roots in Kingfisher Church.

‘Treasure Seekers’ comes from our aim to seek the Treasure in people – the hidden potential in every person. This potential is often hidden from sight for people who are really disadvantaged, who may not be able to see their own gifts and potential. We seek this treasure in people and bring it to light!

You can abbreviate our name to Treasure Seekers.

  • If you could benefit from our activities, connect with us. Fill in your details and we will help you plug in to what we do!
  • If you would like to volunteer with us, either to support our work or gain new skills, click volunteer with us, and fill in the form. We will then get back to you shortly.
  • If you would like to shop with us, that will help support our work. (Hub, Cavern).
  • You can also donate or fundraise for us.
  • You can sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page.

No, anyone can come to Treasure Seekers. We are open from 10am-11pm Monday -Saturday and 4pm-11pm on Sundays. Each of our areas have different opening times. The Hub is open during the day, and the Cavern every evening in case you want to speak to someone about getting involved. Here is a full list of our locations.

No. The Cavern is run by Treasure Seekers, it is one of the many activities we deliver to help people become the best versions of themselves.

No. Treasure Seekers started from Kingfisher Church’s work with adults with learning disabilities. As a result of this we maintain a close partnership and use each other’s buildings. We also have a Chaplain from the church, James Burn, at Treasure Seekers to help care for our staff team.

However, Treasure Seekers is its own independent legal organisation and is run that way.

Treasure Seekers – you can find us listed as this on social media.

No. We are a Social Enterprise.

It is legally stated in our founding documents that all money we generate is put into our social aims. These founding documents state that we have the same restrictions as charities around what we can do with our assets and how much we can pay our staff, especially senior leaders. We are a non-profit organisation or a VCS (voluntary and community sector) organisation.

Because we are not a registered charity, we have directors instead of trustees, and we also seek to generate some of our own income through trade.

We work in Gloucester, and have a community building in Gloucester city centre on Westgate Street. We sometimes run courses, training sessions, or retail outlets around the rest of Gloucestershire, but our core focus remains as the people of Gloucester city.

However, people from anywhere are welcome to connect with us, and also attend our activities.  

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