Why Support at the Cavern and Treasure Seekers are so important to me…

I began my journey with Treasure Seekers long before I began working here. I have a sister with a learning disability and after my mum passed away, I took a large role in helping out with my sister. Finding Treasure Seekers was such a blessing for both of us. My sister lives in America, where almost all disabled adults ‘work’. This gives them purpose and my sister loves her job. However, there is not much in the way of activities that are suitable for those with disabilities. When she started to spend a lot of time in the UK, I needed to find things for her to do that didn’t involve hanging out with me all the time. She needed to spend time with her peers. We fortunately stumbled upon Treasure Seekers coffee morning, for adults with learning disabilities, in Tredworth. 

A photo of Pam

My heart was so full of joy for the people that attended and watching them be free to be themselves meant so much to me.

I can honestly say that day transformed my life. I still tear up (I am now!) thinking about that first day. It was the most amazing experience I had ever had. My sister was in her early 50’s. In all her life, she had never been able to 100% just be who she was. There were no restrictions on how she should behave, no asking people to settle down and be quiet. Just everyone having fun, their way. It was so inspirational! I got so emotional every time we went there. My heart was so full of joy for the people that attended and watching them be free to be themselves meant so much to me.  
The first person I met there was Jan Burn. We had an immediate connection. I had no idea who she was at the time (one of the Treasure Seekers Directors), I just appreciated how much unconditional love and care she gave to my sister and everyone who attended coffee morning. 

Fast forward a couple years…. After working in social care, for adults with learning disabilities, for a couple years, I just felt there was a better way to serve this community of people. I believed they had more to offer than just ‘being’. I believed they should be given the opportunity to find their own strengths and to be able to build on those; to be the best version of themselves. As I had spent a lot of time during those two years, attending Treasure Seekers activities with my sister and others that I supported, I went to Jan to discuss an idea I had to start a day service for adults with learning disabilities. I trusted that she would know if my ideas would be helpful to this community. I knew how much she cared about them and would be honest with me. 

Well, wow! Little did I know that Treasure Seekers was looking to start a learning centre for adults with learning disabilities. Are you kidding me?? It was a match made in Heaven. I truly believe that now. Together, we did indeed start a learning centre for adults with learning disabilities; The Lighthouse Day Opportunities. Almost 7 years later, it is still going strong! 
But this post is not about the Lighthouse. It is about Adult Support at the Cavern. So why the long post before we got here? Because I would never have become the Lead for Adult Support without going through that process. Jan asked me early on what I thought about working with people with mental health struggles. I told her in no uncertain terms, that would not be happening! I was comfortable in my role as manager for the Lighthouse and I was definitely not equipped to help anyone with their mental health. I have family members with mental health struggles and I had never felt very supportive of them in that context. I did not understand and was out of my depth. She never pushed.
A few years after the Lighthouse started, the role for Lead of Adult Support came available. For some reason, it popped into my head as a possibility. Only a brief thought and I dismissed it. The job was filled and that was that. Then two weeks later, the person left and the job was again available. Another fleeting thought about it and again dismissed. The job was filled again and again and the person left quite quickly. This time, I knew I had to apply for it. Why would God want me in a position that I was highly unqualified for? It didn’t make any sense to me but I knew I needed to apply. I applied and got the job. 
What now? I have no idea what I am doing! However, I was very fortunate to have an amazing team of people who helped me so much to begin to understand why I was there. I love helping people. I love watching people grow and begin to transform their lives. I truly care about them with my entire being. I found out that I am very patient, I am a good listener and I am very calm. All these attributes, which I didn’t even know I had, were what was going to make me successful in my new role. 
I have now been the Lead for Adult Support for several years. I love watching new people come into Support and find community; finding a place where they feel that they belong. It is so fulfilling to have someone say thank you for helping them through a rough patch in their life and to see how much they truly appreciate the time you have spent with them. Sometimes, they only need someone to truly listen and feel they have been heard, to transform the way they see things. It is immensely rewarding to be able to be a small part of someone’s journey. 
I also love watching staff grow in their roles and playing a part in making sure that Treasure Seekers visions and values are always at the forefront of what we do. I believe in them so much as they align so strongly with my own. 
Adult Support Lead is not just ‘my job’. It is part of my life and I cannot imagine not being involved with this amazing service. I love the staff, I love the people we support and I love the wider Treasure Seekers. Like many of the people we support, I found my community. ❤️

Like many of the people we support, I found my community ❤️

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